Dementia Care
Our Dementia Care Homes are warm, welcoming communities where those living with a dementia diagnosis can thrive, feel engaged and continue living life as the person they have always been.
Our clinical staff are trained to understand the different types of dementia and the different ways it can present itself. Whether experiencing memory loss, communication difficulties, behavioural changes, or other symptoms, they gently accompany our residents and their families on their dementia journeys whilst being encouraging, supporting, and always reassuring.
All staff, including our support staff, are trained to manage the changing needs of our residents and we have a culture where everyone is patient, tolerant, kind, observant and always encouraging. We see the individual and manage the illness, not the reverse.
We keep abreast of best practice guidance and advice, liaising regularly with relevant professional bodies and partners, to ensure we can meet the needs of our patients and promote positive outcomes for all involved. For example, we regularly embrace Doll Therapy; Pet Therapy; Music Therapy and Reminiscence to help the person on their journey of care.
We deliver our care with compassion, consideration, and dignity, and we do it in beautiful surroundings that are sensitive to the needs of those living with dementia. Our homes have numerous features endorsed by the leading research centres in the UK to help deal with the progressive nature of dementia, such as signage and colours used.
Our dementia teams also provide support and guidance to the families and loved ones of those living with dementia. Many of our residents may have previously been cared for at home by a loved one and we understand how hard this can be, both physically and emotionally. We also understand how difficult the transition from home care to care home can be. Our compassionate teams will be there to comfort loved ones and encourage them to be part of life in our care homes.
Find out about your nearest Sanville Care Home here.

“I know my wife is well cared for and content living here, which has helped me come to terms with this now being her home.”
— Relative, County

“I love how each staff member, from the kitchen staff to the nurses, go above and beyond to make the home perfect for each resident..”
— Clara, Staff Member