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Ladies Circle at Hamilton Court

Writer: JaneJane

Updated: Jan 26, 2024

Ladies from Hamilton Court spent some quality time together today knitting, reading, doing jigsaws, playing games and chatting away as part of our Ladies Club.

Jean taught some of the staff and other residents how to knit, a hobby we have encouraged her to continue doing since she joined us at Hamilton.

Residents also kept their brains active by completing some jigsaws and playing some games together - it got quite competitive at times! And some ladies choose to do a spot of reading and flick through some magazines.

With some of their favourite tunes playing in the background, there was plenty of chats and fun to be had.

Lucy Hart, activities and well-being coordinator said: "As much as we love the men here, sometimes it's nice to just have a bit of downtime for the ladies! It was great to spend time together; the afternoon was definitely good for the soul. I'm not sure who enjoyed it the most, the residents or the staff!"

Everyone was grateful to the staff for arranging this lovely afternoon for them and they can’t wait to visit the Ladies Circle again.


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